Blockchain in Supply Chain
Innovation stems from tracing each SKU individually along its Supply Chain journey within the Organization.
Simulates the Business Entity as a Hot-air Balloon and its Carriage as a Cube, containing its heritage of SKU-Cubes.
Inputs of Raw Materials and Products SKU-Cubes add the weight of the Supplier Cost, while rents, salaries, and Operating Expenses add the Operating Cost weight to the Carriage.
Sales Outputs converted to Revenues finalize the Business Scope as Profits uplift and Losses force down the Balloon.
Using CubeChain logic brings routing information, Inventory, and Financial transactions in connected, transparent, and traceable Day-Cubes, allocating daily Expenses to the participating SKU-Cube.
Measures the accurate P&L per sold SKU-Cube and the exact cost added per SKU-Cube in Stock. Marks the Profitable and Loss-making SKU-Cubes and the cause of their Results and instructs focused corrective actions.
Machine Learning extends Relations monitored to the Predicted Future, instructing accurate Ordering and Replenishment processes while AI redirects SKU-Cubes routes to achieve maximum ROI, maintaining Throughputs in Equilibrium per Cube Face in Time.
By Grouping the daily monitored Static and Dynamic Properties changes in the six Cube Faces per SKU-Cube per Day-Cube:
1. Revenues and POS
2. Kind
3. Price
4. Life Cycle Seasonality
5. Source-Supplier
6. Current Cost so far
We get an accurate and detailed 4D BLACK BOX of the SKU's Supply Chain journey, early warnings of Deviations to Predictions, and the ROI & profitability per SKU in any Category, any Cube Face, and any Filter Combination figures.
Why a CUBE?
Since the dawn of humanity, three questions were to be answered for an exchange in a System:
What is the need, How Much Does the exchange cost, and Where is the exchange takes place
The three questions set by the Consumer Demand and challenged by the Merchant to Supply are set in pairs of six parallel surfaces that determine the System's borders to the outer environment forming.
Side 2. the Kind of Demand and
Side 5. the Source to Supply
How much
Side 3. the Price of Demand and
Side 4. the Time-Life Cycle to Supply
Side 1. The Revenues and
Side 6. The Cost to get Profit
ENTELECHY CUBE & CubeChain in supply chain
As a Digital Advisor based on Systems Thinking, ENTELECHY CUBE monitors and evaluates the Data retrieved from the ERPS. Detects and evaluates the Dynamic Data Properties and Relations -not measured by the Reductionism ERPs.
Includes collected and calculated immune data per Day-Cube, the EntleCubes always in Four Columns presenting, The Open Stock, The Inputs, The Outputs, and End Stock equal to the Next Day-Cube Open Stock.
Only the Genesis Day-Cube differs, including the Information of the Genesis Open Stock, exactly like in Cryptocurrency Blockchain technology.
The user can select the From-To Time Period and include all immune Data in one Time Cube. Each Time-Cube face shows the same Data per SKU-Cubes in the four columns above: Open Stock, Inputs, Outputs, and End Stock.
1. Calculate Accurate ROI per SKU
The marked Red-losers SKU-Cube or Categories require corrective actions.
Check the CubeChain in the supply chain for the added cost per supply chain Station. Change parking times, alter routes, reduce or even cancel orders.
These SKU-Cubes drop your balloon down!
Seek the opportunities deriving from the Green-boosters.
Increase orders, exclude from discounts, and reschedule the replenishment plans.
These SKU-Cubes are your balloon's uplifts!
2. The 4D information BLACK-BOX for Past, Present, and Future.
ENTELECHY CUBE is your dynamic, daily updated Future-telling Crystal Sphere.
The future Picture is clear and safe as algorithms rerun and cross-check it daily.
Set a Time Cube by selecting any period. Apply any filter. Watch the Filtered SKU-Cubes, any face Category-Cube, POS-Cubes, Supply Station-Cubes properties projections to the six faces. Locate the Red losers and plan the appropriate corrective actions. The data is trusted and accurately presented.
3. Secure Ordering and Replenishment Planning processes
Machine Learning defines your business DNA, Efficiency, and Resilience future needs in percentages in six-face Time-Cube views. The daily updates and the ENTELECHY CUBE algorithms rerun recalculated the updated Future Picture and cross-checked stereoscopically by six projection views.
Manually alter Relations' Percentages according to your insights. Plan your coming new strategies. Check "what if" scenarios. Highlight bestsellers. Get an accurate Future Picture, verified by six face views and the ENTELECHY CUBE Machine Learning findings.
Your merchandising plan now has reasonable specifications!
ENTELECHY CUBE will calculate the merchandising flow for Efficiency and Resilience and calculate the proper Basic and Buffer stock needed for your organization to meet outer market changes.
Your ordering and replenishment processes will be safer against understock and overstock. Control the merchandising flow in Equilibrium with the six face parameters of your Business DNA and insights in Time.
Nothing can stop you now!
"Big data is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or otherwise, deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software" (Wikipedia).
By Definition, the "traditional data-processing application software," the Reductionism tools, find chaotic and cannot deal with Big Data, although measured!
Although it is impossible to define and describe Big Data (similar to quantum) using the innovative method of relations groupings and projection to the six walls of a Cube, ENTELECHY CUBE succeeds in monitoring Big Data Relations and evaluating its changes.
ENTELECHY CUBE in other Sciences
As a Systems Thinking methodology using Blockchain technology, ENTELECHY CUBE is expected to be widely evaluated in other sciences, Social, Medicine, and Monetary, solving numerous Puzzles that Reductionism Theory followed could not solve.
As an example, our latest Project, MyMediCube, is a revolutionary approach offering solutions to Healthcare issues that Reductionism, as applied today, cannot provide. CubeChain, similar to Blockchain technology used by the method, assists in keeping track of and evaluating numerous valuable data per Individual in real-time. The innovation of the technique could be that disruptive as to influence standard medical approaches in situations that necessitate real-time solutions, such as in a pandemic. For example, using MyMediCube global community data, scientists could access the collected data from asymptomatic outpatients, as in the case of COVID patients, that are home-treated, and data from hospitalized symptomatic patients creating the environment for the application of specialized treatments as necessary.
MyMediCube monitoring per Individual (the System) and lifetime Health Events (the Elements) predict Life Expectancy in real-time per Health Event.
We are confident that we live in the Paradigm Shift, where solutions given to one are common to all sciences.
Systems Thinking is described as a synthesis of Reductionism and Emergence
ENTELECHY CUBE synthesizes Systems Thinking principles of Emergence, Entropy, Efficiency, and Resilience planning in Equilibrium.
Love responsibility. Say: It is my duty, and mine alone, to save the earth. If it is not saved, then I alone am to blame.
Nikos Kazantzakis